About the Institute of Education at University of North Carolina

The Institute of Education is dedicated to shaping the future of education and fostering the development of future educators. Our accomplished faculty members are committed to delivering exceptional teaching and research that makes a difference. We provide a diverse range of programs, spanning early childhood education, K-12 teaching, educational leadership, and more. Our comprehensive curriculum equips students with the knowledge and skills to become effective educators and advocates for quality learning.

Our Achievements



Grads’ Employment Rate



Students Recruited By Multinationals



Satisfied Students



Grads Have Become Successful Entrepreneurs

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Prepared Graduates for the Workforce

At the Institute of Education, we empower you to become an inspiring and effective educator. Our programs are developed in partnership with experienced teachers and educational experts to ensure that you graduate with the knowledge and practical experience needed to excel in the field of education.

Internship and Cooperative Education Opportunities

At the Institute of Education at UONC, we hold the belief that real-world experience is indispensable in the cultivation of exceptional educators. Our education programs provide diverse internship and co-op opportunities, affording you the opportunity to work directly in educational settings, learn from experienced educators, and cultivate the skills necessary to inspire and educate the next generation. Join us in the journey to transform education and enhance lives."

Varied Areas of Expertise

In the broad and diverse field of education, we offer a range of specializations in our education programs. Whether your calling is in early childhood education, K-12 teaching, educational leadership, or special education, we empower you to follow your passion and specialize in the area that resonates with your career goals. This allows you to shape your unique journey in the world of education.